APACHE PIG QUIZ DESCRIPTION Total Questions −30 00 Max Time − 15:00 Pig Latin is _______ and fits very naturally in the pipeline paradigm while SQL is instead declarative. functional procedural declarative all of the mentioned _______ operator is used to view the step-by-step execution of a series of statements. ILLUSTRATE DESCRIBE STORE EXPLAIN ___________ method will be called by Pig both in the front end and back end to pass a unique signature to the Loader. relativeToAbsolutePath() setUdfContextSignature() getCacheFiles() getShipFiles() Point out the correct statement. LoadMeta has methods to convert byte arrays to specific types The Pig load/store API is aligned with Hadoop InputFormat class only LoadPush has methods to push operations from Pig runtime into loader implementations All of the mentioned You can run Pig in batch mode using __________ Pig shell command Pig scripts Pig options All of the mentioned Point out the correct statement. Invoke the Grunt shell using the “enter” command Pig does not support jar files Both the run and exec commands are useful for debugging because you can modify a Pig script in an editor All of the mentioned Which of the following code is used to find scripts that use only the default parallelism? a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate (Chararray) j#'STATUS' as status, j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'JOBNAME' a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'JOBNAME' as script_name, (Long) r#'NUMBER_RED a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'QUEUE_NAME' as queue; c = group b by (id, None of the mentioned __________ is a simple xUnit framework that enables you to easily test your Pig scripts. PigUnit PigXUnit PigUnitX All of the mentioned Which of the following operator is used to view the map reduce execution plans? DUMP DESCRIBE STORE EXPLAIN __________ method tells LoadFunc which fields are required in the Pig script. pushProjection() relativeToAbsolutePath() prepareToRead() none of the mentioned Which of the following is correct syntax for parameter substitution using cmd? pig {-param param_name = param_value | -param_file file_name} [-debug | -dryrun] script {%declare | %default} param_name param_value {%declare | %default} param_name param_value cmd All of the mentioned You can specify parameter names and parameter values in one of the ways? As part of a command line. In parameter file, as part of a command line With the declare statement, as part of Pig script All of the mentioned Point out the correct statement. During the testing phase of your implementation, you can use LOAD to display results to your terminal screen You can view outer relations as well as relations defined in a nested FOREACH statement Hadoop properties are interpreted by Pig None of the mentioned ______ is a framework for collecting and storing script-level statistics for Pig Latin. Pig Stats PStatistics Pig Statistics None of the mentioned Which of the following function is used to read data in PIG? WRITE READ LOAD None of the mentioned Which of the following scripts that generate more than three MapReduce jobs? a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = group a by (j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID', j#'USER', j#'JOBNAME'); c = for b generate group.$1, group.$2, COUNT(a); a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = display a by (j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID', j#'USER', j#'JOBNAME'); c = foreach b generate group.$1, group.$2, COUNT(a a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = group a by (j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID', j#'USER', j#'JOBNAME'); c = foreach b generate group.$1, group.$2, COUNT(a); None of the mentioned Which of the following has methods to deal with metadata? LoadPushDown LoadMetadata LoadCaster All of the mentioned Which of the following script determines the number of scripts run by user and queue on a cluster? a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate (Chararray) j#'STATUS' as status, j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'JOBNAME' a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'JOBNAME' as script_name, (Long) r#'NUMBER_RED a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'QUEUE_NAME' as queue; c = group b by (id, None of the mentioned __________ method enables the RecordReader associated with the InputFormat provided by the LoadFunc is passed to the LoadFunc. getNext() relativeToAbsolutePath() prepareToRead() all of the mentioned Which of the following is an entry in jobconf? pig.job pig.input.dirs pig.feature none of the mentioned You can run Pig in interactive mode using the ______ shell. Grunt FS HDFS None of the mentioned Which of the following is shortcut for DUMP operator? de alias d alias q None of the mentioned The ________ class mimics the behavior of the Main class but gives users a statistics object back. PigRun PigRunner None of the mentioned RunnerPig ________ abstract class has three main methods for loading data and for most use cases it would suffice to extend it. Load LoadFunc FuncLoad None of the mentioned Point out the correct statement. LoadPredicatePushdown is same as LoadMetadata.setPartitionFilter getOutputFormat() is called by Pig to get the InputFormat used by the loader Pig works with data from many sources None of the mentioned __________ return a list of hdfs files to ship to distributed cache. relativeToAbsolutePath() setUdfContextSignature() getCacheFiles() getShipFiles() Point out the wrong statement. You can run Pig scripts from the command line and from the Grunt shell DECLARE defines a Pig macro Use Pig scripts to place Pig Latin statements and Pig commands in a single file None of the mentioned _________ are scanned in the order they are specified on the command line. Command line parameters Parameter files Declare and default preprocessors Both parameter files and command line parameters Which of the following file contains user defined functions (UDFs)? script2-local.pig pig.jar tutorial.jar excite.log.bz2 Which of the following find the running time of each script (in seconds)? Check this: Programming Books | Programming MCQs a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j# a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = for a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'JOBNAME' as script_name, & a = load '/mapred/history/done' using HadoopJobHistoryLoader() as (j:map[], m:map[], r:map[]); b = foreach a generate j#'PIG_SCRIPT_ID' as id, j#'USER' as user, j#'QUEUE_NAME' as queue; c = group b by (id, All of the mentioned Previous Next Total Question16 Wrong Answer13 Right Answer13