The key and value classes have to be _________ by the Mapreduce framework.

  • collected

  • serializable

  •  compacted

  •  none of the mentioned

Point out the correct statement.

  • Configuration parameters may be declared static

  •  Unless explicitly turned off, Hadoop by default specifies two resources

  • Configuration class provides access to configuration parameters

  • None of the mentioned

Which of the following adds a configuration resource?

  • addDeprecation

  •  setDeprecatedProperties

  • addDefaultResource

  •  addResource

___________ gives site-specific configuration for a given hadoop installation.

  • core-default.xml

  •  core-site.xml

  •  coredefault.xml

  •  all of the mentioned

Administrators typically define parameters as final in __________ for values that user applications may not alter.

  • core-default.xml

  •  core-site.xml

  • coredefault.xml

  •  all of the mentioned

Point out the wrong statement.

  • Apache Avro™ is a data serialization system

  • Avro provides simple integration with dynamic languages

  • Avro provides rich data structures

  •  All of the mentioned

Point out the wrong statement.

  • It is legal to set the number of reduce-tasks to zero if no reduction is desired

  • The outputs of the map-tasks go directly to the FileSystem

  • The Mapreduce framework does not sort the map-outputs before writing them out to the FileSystem

  • None of the mentioned

Point out the wrong statement.

  • addDeprecations adds a set of deprecated keys to the global deprecations

  • configuration parameters cannot be declared final

  •  addDeprecations method is lockless

  • none of the mentioned

The ___________ executes the Mapper/ Reducer task as a child process in a separate jvm.

  • JobTracker

  • JobTracker

  •  TaskScheduler

  •  None of the mentioned

Which of the following partitions the key space?

  • Partitioner

  • Compactor

  •  Collector

  •  All of the mentioned

Avro is said to be the future _______ layer of Hadoop.

  •  RMC

  • RPC

  • RDC

  •  All of the mentioned

Key classes have to implement the __________ interface to facilitate sorting by the framework.

  •  Writable

  • Comparable

  • WritableComparable

  • None of the mentioned

The ________ option allows applications to add jars to the classpaths of the maps and reduces.

  • optionname

  • -libjars

  • -archives

  •  all of the mentioned

Hadoop _________ is a SWIG- compatible C++ API to implement MapReduce applications.

  • Streaming

  • Pipes

  •  Orchestration

  •  All of the mentioned

_______ job usually splits the input data-set into independent chunks which are processed by the map tasks in a completely parallel manner.

  • Tasker

  • MapReduce

  • Tasktrack

  •  None of the mentioned

________ method adds the deprecated key to the global deprecation map.

  • addDeprecits

  •  addDeprecation

  • keyDeprecation

  • none of the mentioned

Point out the correct statement.

  •  Avro provides functionality similar to systems such as Thrift

  •  When Avro is used in RPC, the client and server exchange data in the connection handshake

  •  Apache Avro, Avro, Apache, and the Avro and Apache logos are trademarks of The Java Foundation

  • None of the mentioned

__________ is a generalization of the facility provided by the MapReduce framework to collect data output by the Mapper or the Reducer.

  • OutputCompactor

  • OutputCollector

  • InputCollector

  • All of the mentioned

The ___________ executes the Mapper/ Reducer task as a child process in a separate jvm.

  • JobTracker

  • JobTracker

  •  TaskScheduler

  •  None of the mentioned

Thrift resolves possible conflicts through _________ of the field.

  • Name

  •  Static number

  •  UID

  • None of the mentioned

The option ___________ allows to pass comma separated list of archives as arguments.

  • optionname

  •  -libjars

  • -archives

  • none of the mentioned

Point out the correct statement.

  • Another limitation of the Hadoop MapReduce framework is its pull-based scheduling model

  • The MapReduce framework sorts the outputs of the maps, which are then input to the reduce tasks

  •  The MapReduce framework takes care of scheduling tasks, monitoring them and re-executes the failed tasks

  •  All of the mentioned

________ is the primary interface for a user to describe a MapReduce job to the Hadoop framework for execution.

  • JobConfig

  •  JobConf

  • JobConfiguration

  • All of the mentioned

________ method clears all keys from the configuration.

  • clear

  •  addResource

  •  getClass

  • none of the mentioned

Avro schemas are defined with _____

  • JSON

  •  XML

  • JAVA

  • All of the mentioned

We can declare the schema of our data either in a ______ file.

  • JSON

  •  XML

  • SQL

  •  R

_________ gives site-specific configuration for a given hadoop installation.

  • core-default.xml

  •  core-site.xml

  • coredefault.xml

  •  all of the mentioned

When using reflection to automatically build our schemas without code generation, we need to configure Avro using?

  • AvroJob.Reflect(jConf);

  •  AvroJob.setReflect(jConf);

  •  Job.setReflect(jConf);

  •  None of the mentioned

_____________ is percentage of memory relative to the maximum heap size in which map outputs may be retained during the reduce.

  • mapred.job.shuffle.merge.percent

  • mapred.job.reduce.input.buffer.percen

  •  mapred.inmem.merge.threshold

  • io.sort.factor

Point out the correct statement.

  • Configuration parameters may be declared static

  •  Unless explicitly turned off, Hadoop by default specifies two resources

  • Configuration class provides access to configuration parameters

  • None of the mentioned