Which of the following tool automates various tasks of Node.js application?

  • Express.js

  • GruntJS

  • NPM

  • None of the above

In Express.js, the method app.all(path, callback [, callback ...]) can accept all HTTP methods:

  • True

  •  False

  •  Insufficient data

  •  None of the above

Where is captured values are populated regarding route parameters are:


  • app.locals

  • req.params

  • Both A & B

Which of the following function is used to specify what to do when a get request at the given route is called?

  • app.get(route, callback)

  •  get(route, callback)

  •  js.get(route, callback)

  •  fun.get(route, callback)

Which of the following is the correct syntax to use Express.js in Node?

  • var = require('express')();

  •  var_require('express')();

  •  var app = require('express')();

  • None of the above.

_________ is a middleware which parses cookies attached to the client request object.

  • cookie

  • req.cookies

  • cookie-parser

  • None of the above

How to config properties with requiring in Express JS?

  • A file with the name “config.json” is to be created in the config folder inside the project folder

  • The config properties are to be added in the config.json file

  • Now, require should be used to access the config.json file

  • All of the above

Which statement is valid in using a Node module fs in a Node based application?

  • var fs = import("fs")

  • import fs

  • package fs

  • var fs = require("fs")

Who are the developers of Express JS?

  • TJ Holowaychuk

  • StrongLoop

  • Both A and B

  • None

Which method requests that the server accept the data enclosed in the request as a modification to existing object identified by the URI?

  • GET


  • PUT

  • POST

Which of the following is a middleware that parses cookies attached to the client request object?

  • cookie

  •  cookies

  • cookie-parser

  • None of the above

Cookies are complex, large files/data that are sent to server with a client request and stored on the server side.

  • TRUE


  • Can be true or false

  • Can not say

Express was developed by ?

  • Microsoft

  • Facebook

  • TJ Holowaychuk

  • Rasmus Lerdorf

Where is captured values are populated regarding route parameters?

  • app. locals object

  • req. data object

  • req. params object

  • None of the above

Is console a global object?

  • null

  • false

  • true

  • None

What function are arguments available to Express JS?

  • Req

  • Res

  • Next

  • All the above mentioned

The method of using values is called?

  • filters

  •  interpolation

  •  inheritance

  • includes

Which of the following facilitates us to create a skeleton for a web application easily?

  • Authentication

  •  APIs

  • Debugging

  • Scaffolding

What is middleware in ExpressJs ?

  • function(req){ }

  • method(req){ }

  • function(req,res,next){ }

  • method(req,res,next){ }

What is the advantage of using node.js?

  • It provides an easy way to build scalable network programs

  • Generally fast

  • Great concurrency

  • All of these

In Nodejs what is use of underscore variable in REPL session

  • to store the result.

  • to get the last command used.

  • to get the last result.

  • None of the above

Which of the following is the correct statement in the context of Express.js?

  • Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.

  •  Express is a minimal and flexible React.js web application framework.

  •  Express is a minimal and flexible Redux.js web application framework.

  •  Express is a minimal and flexible Angular.js web application framework.

backlog arguments defines as?

  • A port number on which the server should accept incoming requests

  • Name of the domain

  • The maximum number of queued pending connections

  • An asynchronous function that is called when the server starts listening for requests.

When did Express js Initial release?

  • 2009

  • 2010

  • 2011

  • 2012

Cookies are the complex, large files/data sent to the server with a client request and stored on the server-side.

  • This statement is true.

  •  This statement is false.

  •  Can be true or false

  •  Cannot say.

Why a Node.JS code is pretty fast although being written in JavaScript?

  • Node.JS internally converts JavaScript code to Java based code and then execute the same

  • Node.JS internally converts JavaScript code to C based code and then execute the same

  • Being built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine

  • None of the above

Which of the following statement is correct in the case of backlog arguments?

  • A port number on which the server should accept incoming requests.

  •  The backlog argument is the name of the domain.

  •  The maximum number of queued pending connections.

  • An asynchronous function is called when the server starts listening for requests.

Which of the following is true about RESTful web services?

  • Webservices based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful web services

  • Webservices uses HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture

  • Both of the above

  • None of the above

Express.Js was initially released in

  • November 2010

  • November 2011

  • December 2010

  • December 2011

In Nodejs what is use of underscore variable in REPL session?

  • to store the result

  • to get the last command used

  • None of the above

  • to get the last result