Coaxial cables used in ________networks

  • Telephone

  • Cable TV

  • Both A and B

  • NONE OF these


What does the following block of code print?

url = ""
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

tags = soup('img')
for tag in tags:
    print(tag.get('src', None))

  •  retrieves and displays the webpage

  •  downloads the webpage

  •  prints the images from ''

  • . prints all the 'img' sources under 'src' from ''

How does the pack() function work on the tkinter widget ?

  • According to x,y coordinate

  •  According to row and column vise

  •  According to left,right,up,down

  •  None of the above

What provides two way communication between two different programs in a network.

  • socket

  •  port

  •  http

  •  protocol

What must be done before disconnecting a socket?

  • Ending the data stream

  • . Telling the server good-bye

  •  Flushing the cache

  • Nothing, you can simply "unplug" with no ill effects

 ______ are the advantages of hierarchical routing.

  • Flexibility

  •  Reliability

  • Scalability

  • Portability

Which technique is used for data protection ?.

  • Data piracy

  •  Authentication

  •  Encryption

  • None of these

Select the command is used to manipulate the TCP/IP routing table.

  • Ifconfig

  • Ipconfig

  • route

  • Traceroute

TCP socket programming is:

  • connection-oriented

  •  connectionless

  • dependent on the host operating system

  •  dependent on the client operating system

Is it possible to set the title for a window after creating it?

  • yes

  • no

  • Maybe yes

  • Maybe no

______is the Central Computer powerful than other computers in the network.

  • Server

  • Hub

  •  Client

  •  Switch

Select which one is used to related to config in Microsoft Windows.

  • Display all current TCP/IP network configuration values

  •  Modify DNS settings

  • Modify DHCP settings

  •  All of the above

Select the size of the Source and Destination IP address in the IP header.

  • 4 bits

  •  32 bits

  • 16 bits

  • . 8 bits

_______is the Machine that places the request to access the data

  • Client Machine

  • Server Machine

  •  Request Machine

  •  None of these

HTTP port number used is______.

  • 43

  • 441

  • 443

  • 449

All devices are connected to a central hub with the help of which of the following network topology?

  •  Star Topology

  • Tree Topology

  • Bus Topology

  • Ring Topology

Which is used in delivery, both the deliverer of the IP packet and the destination are on the same network.

  • a connectionless

  • indirect

  • a direct

  • none of the above

Optical Fiber transmit______.

  • light signal

  • radio signal

  • electrical signal

  • Both A and B

Select from the following which command is used to operate TCP/IP routing table

  • Show IP route

  •  Route

  • Ipconfig

  •  Traceroute

In networks protocol TCP/ IP stands for.

  • Transaction control protocol

  • Transmission control protocol

  • Transmission contribution protocol

  • None of these


What does the following block of code do?

import urllib.request
fhand = urllib.request.urlopen('')
for line in fhand:

  • It creates a file named 'romeo.txt' in ''

  •  It finds the urls linked to '' and prints it.

  •  It opens a file named '' in local storage

  •  It prints the contents of 'romeo.txt' after retrieving it from ''

Which of the following net is the combination of two or more networks?

  • MAN
    B. WAN
    C. Internetwork
    D. None of these

  • WAN

  • Internetwork

  • None of these

What is a socket?

  • Programming that allows only local computers to communicate with each other

  • TCP connection between local computers only

  • Connection between computers, over UDP only
    D. Abstraction of ports

  •  Abstraction of ports

one of the following is a path vector routing?

  • exterior gateway protocol

  • inter-domain routing

  • network routing protocol

  • All of these

Which one is the natural mask for a class C Network?





What is a python library that can be used to send and receive data over HTTP?

  • http

  •  urllib

  •  port

  • header

In the communication pathway data transfers from one point to another through_____.

  • Medium

  • Node

  • Link

  •  All of these

FDDI stands for.

  • Fiber Distributed Data Interface

  • Fiber Data Distributed Interface

  • Fiber Dual Distributed Interface

  • Fiber Distributed Data Interface

Data is mirrored in two disks with______.

  • RAID 0

  •  RAID 2

  • RAID 1

  • All of these

Which of the following function used to create window in python tkinter.

  • window()

  •  tk()

  • toolkit()

  •  wd()